Monday, July 30, 2012

Bath Time

Adda isn't the biggest fan of the sponge bath thing, and her umbilical cord fell off a little bit ago, so we decided to give her a bath in the sink today. (We have a bath for her, but didn't bring it out to ND.) She wasn't so sure about it at first, but I think it grew on her and by the end I think she was really liking it.

The many faces of Adda

Adda makes some of the BEST faces ever! I decided to snap a few pictures while she was wide awake this morning and showing off her many faces. We LOVE this little girl!

Tell us which is your favorite! I think my favorites are the 3rd and the last ones. So cute!

Time for a little adventure

For those of you that don't know, Jeremy has been working in North Dakota this summer. He left at the end of April and the original plan was to have him come home when Adda was born for a couple weeks and then he would go back out. After Adda came we decided to rethink our plan. I didn't want to move to Provo alone and he didn't want to leave his little girl so soon, so we decided to have an adventure. We packed up all of our stuff and moved it into a storage unit and Adda and I came out to North Dakota with Jeremy. I don't know why we didn't think of this in the first place. There's really nothing holding me to the Provo area and no reason for me to be there alone. We are so grateful that my mom suggested looking into having us come out with him. We are loving North Dakota...well I guess North Dakota is fine, what we are really loving though is being together as a family. Skype was great while we were separated before Adda was born, but it just wouldn't cut it now.
We left on Monday (a little later than planned) and stayed the night at my aunt and uncle's house in Casper, Wyoming. It was so fun to see Craig, Jo Lynn and April even if it was a short visit. We got back on the road on Tuesday around 9 am and drove the rest of the way to Bismarck, North Dakota. Adda did great in the car. We only had to stop once to feed her the first day and then 3 times the second day. She slept the rest of the time. I hope she's just as good on the drive back!
We are enjoying North Dakota and will be coming back to Utah and finding an apartment in Provo towards the middle of August.
On the road!

If you look closely you can see little Adda in the mirror

Day 2... on the road again!

2 Week Report

Well this is a week late, but better late than never! Adda had her two week appointment last Monday and she did great. She was so patient as we waited over an hour for the doctor to show up. She wasn't the biggest fan of the 2nd PKU heel prick, but she was a trooper. She has gained almost a pound from her birth weight. She now weighs 6 pounds 10 oz and measured at 19 3/4 inches long.  Jer and I were thrilled that she was gaining weight and though she was getting so big until we saw that she's still only in the 7th percentile for weight haha. We're still proud of her though and she is getting big. She's in the 10th percentile for length and 8th for head circumference for anyone who's interested to know.
She is such a good baby and we are so blessed to have her. She has only gotten really fussy once when her mom drank a little too much caffeine without realizing that she would not be a fan. She also doesn't seem to be the biggest fan of chocolate:( She is alert and awake for longer periods of time each day. We love this time with her when she makes faces at us. She isn't the biggest fan of sponge baths until we get to the hair washing part. She loves having her hair washed. She has graduated from her premie clothes and is now fitting into some of the smaller newborn clothes. We are very proud parents and love her to pieces!
Waiting for the doctor

Cuddling with Daddy after being poked and pricked too many times

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Slight Spider Problem

So we've had a slight spider problem in our apartment for a little while now. We see little spiders crawling here and there all the time, but we just kept saying to ourselves that we're moving soon and they're just little guys so it's more annoying than anything else. That changed Sunday night, or I guess Monday morning at 4 in the morning. I was sitting in the living room feeding Adda when I saw a HUGE spider dart across the hall. A second later I saw another one. Then a second later I saw either the first or second come back into the hallway and pause. I jumped up (with Adda still attached and sucking away) and went around into the kitchen to grab a glass to trap the spider under. I successfully trapped the monster and then went back to feeding Adda. When she was done I went into the bedroom and Jer kinda woke up enough for me to tell him that I trapped a spider the size of Adda under a glass and he needed to do something about it in the morning. He ended up getting out of bed to grab something for me and decided to take a gander at the spider he didn't think could possibly be that big or scary. "Ho-ly cow" was what I heard from the bedroom and then a very scared Jeremy came back and jumped up on the bed scared to death of this spider. I'm not much of a spider expert and was sleep deprived and didn't care to become a spider expert until at least the next morning, but my husband got on his Ipod and started doing some research about this spider. Apparently it was a Hobo spider, one of the three most poisonous spiders found in Utah. Who knew. Jer learned a lot more about this little guy, but that was enough for me and I didn't let him share any other scary info with me. He wanted to go get a hotel immediately when I told him I knew there was another in the house, but we decided to wait until morning and just keep Adda away from the floor until then. As soon as we heard our landlord moving around upstairs we made him come down and look at the spider and told him we needed the place sprayed ASAP.
While our house was being fumigated my mom came up and took Adda and me up to my sister, Cassidy's, house. We had a lot of fun hanging out up there. Rylee and Miles were SO cute with Adda. They both wanted to hold her a lot. Rylee would whisper "It's okay sweetheart, it's okay" to her and kiss her cheeks and head. Miles would point at her and talk to her in his own language that I'm sure she could understand too. Rylee also went and got her baby doll and wrapped her up like I had Adda wrapped up and held her like I was holding Adda while sitting next to me. So cute!
We stayed just the one night and then came back to our apartment when it was safe and spider free. Thanks Cass for letting us come hang out with you guys!
This picture doesn't do him justice at all. He's huge and has big scary fangs too!

Cute matching cousins in purple shirts:)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

These are a few of our favorite things

Well Adda is officially one week old today. In just one short week our lives have changed completely, but we LOVE the change! These are a few of our favorite things about Adda...

She brings such a wonderful spirit into our home.
She has a personality all her own, and she keeps us laughing and smiling all the time.
She also smiles all the time. I know that people say babies this young can't smile and that it's just gas, but we don't believe it. She smiles way too much for it to all be gas.
She is already working on building her core muscles.  She does her ab exercises every day. She lays on her back and stretches out her little legs and then lifts them about 4 inches off the ground and just holds them there. She's going to have a 6-pack before she can even hold her head up.
It takes her a good 30-45 minutes to wake up to eat. She has to do all her stretches and make all her faces before she will open her eyes or mouth to eat.
She loves her bouncer chair! That thing has saved our sanity a couple nights this week. She prefers it to her bassinet some nights, and naps in it often during the day.
She looks so cute wrapped up in her towel/bath robe after getting a sponge bath.
She likes to give us big hugs while we burp her. She stretches her arms out wide as she's laying against our chest.

We sure do love our little Addalynne!

First smile caught on camera

"Just doing my ab exercises"

One of our favorite faces she makes
Lounging in her bouncer

Snug as a bug in a rug after her bath

Big hug for mom:)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Adda's Fan Club

Jer and I just want to thank everyone that came to visit at the hospital and since we've been home. We feel so loved and supported by all of you!